Think globally, act locally

Sustainable development

Following S Hotels & Resort’s philosophy of sustainable development, we carry out various sustainable development projects at our oceanside properties in Thailand and the Maldives, notably at Santiburi Koh Samui, SAii Phi Phi Island Village, SAii Laguna Phuket, SAii Koh Samui Villas and CROSSROADS Maldives.

Mr. Jukr Boon-long


Mr. Michael David Marshall



SHR has shown its commitment to environmental and social responsibilities in all our hotel locations since our first day of business operations, following the vision of Singha Estate, which is dedicated to creating sustainability for the business and all stakeholders. We aim to bring real benefits to local communities and conduct our business based on the “Sustainable Development Philosophy” which is inherited from Singha Estate Public Company Limited, to achieve Harmonious Coexistence. This aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDG 2030). Moreover, we prioritize and focus on improving service quality, providing clean and safe food, using eco-friendly materials for room decor, and creating venues that offer sustainable travel and leisure experiences. These efforts emphasize convenience, natural integrity, biodiversity, and safety in occupational health.

We believe that business growth should coincide with natural prosperity and improved quality of life in the communities. Wherever we expand our business, we strive to bring growth to that area as well. Since 2022, we have aimed for all self-managed hotels to achieve international sustainability certifications for tourism and hotel operators. Additionally, we are increasing the proportion of eco-friendly renewable energy use, while reducing food wastes by at least 5% per year, which aligns with our long-term goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. This approach follows Singha Estate’s commitment to creating value in travel in parallel with sustainable growth.



With a commitment to sustainable development, S Hotels & Resorts acknowledges the vital role of preserving biodiversity in its ongoing growth, particularly in major natural tourist attractions where its properties are situated. As part of Singha Estate sustainability development direction, SHR shares long-term sustainability visions and has implemented nature-based solutions as a strategic approach. To learn more about Singha Estate's Sustainable Development, please click here.

BY 2030
30% OF KEY
BY 2030

Enhance guest experiences with
sustainable activities, gastronomy,
and local culture

Carbon Neutral by 2030

  • Carbon Neutral Roadmap (NDC target -5%/year)
  • Solar panels installed in Thailand and Maldives properties, targeting 20% reduction in total emissions

30% of Key Biodiversity Area by 2030

  • 21 IUCN Red List Species
  • The Largest Marine Protected Area in Indian Ocean (OECMS) - 31.56% of total project (3.1 Millions Sq.m.)
  • Forestation - 1,000,000 Sq.m. in 2025 joined with Singha Estate

Enriching Journey

  • Leaning Hub for Sustainable Program
    • Target over 50,000 visitors/years at Marine & Maldives Discovery Centres
  • Sustainable Gastronomy
    • Utilizing locally sourced ingredients and promoting Zero Food Waste from our Organic Garden to the table. Offering organic cooking classes and new Authentic Thai Tastes menus.
  • Local culture Enrichment
    • Delivering experiences with a strong connection to local cultures is our commitment.

กลยุทธ์การพัฒนาความยั่งยืน 2567


เอส โฮเทล แอนด์ รีสอร์ท มีความมุ่งมั่นในการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน และตระหนักถึงบทบาทที่สำคัญของการรักษาความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพในการเติบโตอย่างต่อเนื่อง โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งในสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวทางธรรมชาติที่สำคัญซึ่งเป็นที่ตั้งของโรงแรม SHR มีวิสัยทัศน์ด้านความยั่งยืนในระยะยาวร่วมกับ สิงห์ เอสเตท และได้นำแนวทางการแก้ปัญหาที่อิงธรรมชาติ (NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS) มาเป็นแนวทางเชิงกลยุทธ์ เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืนของสิงห์ เอสเตท โปรดคลิกที่นี่

ภายในปี 2573
ความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพ 30%
ภายในปี 2573

กิจกรรมที่ยั่งยืน ศาสตร์การทำอาหาร

ความเป็นกลางทางคาร์บอนภายในปี 2573 (Carbon Neutral by 2030)

  • แผนการบรรลุความเป็นกลางทางคาร์บอน โดยตั้งเป้าลด NDC ปีละ 5%
  • การติดตั้งแผงโซล่าร์ เซลล์ ในโรงแรมในประเทศไทยและมัลดีฟส์และตั้งเป้าลดการปล่อยปริมาณก๊าซเรือนกระจก 20%

การอนุรักษ์พื้นที่ความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพ 30% ภายในปี 2573

  • การอนุรักษ์สัตว์ภายใต้ IUCN Red List Species ขององค์การระหว่างประเทศเพื่อการอนุรักษ์ธรรมชาติ
  • การสนับสนุนพื้นที่อนุรักษ์นอกพื้นที่คุ้มครอง (Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures: OECMS) ภายในโครงการครอสโร้ดส์ มัลดีฟส์ กว่า 3.1 ล้านตารางเมตร หรือกว่า 31% ของโครงการฯ โดยพื้นที่ดังกล่าวถือเป็นพื้นที่อนุรักษ์ความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพทางทะเลที่มีขนาดใหญ่ที่สุดในมหาสมุทรอินเดีย
  • การปลูกป่า 1,000,000 ตารางเมตร ร่วมกับบริษัท สิงห์ เอสเตท จำกัด (มหาชน)

การเติมเต็มประสบการณ์การเดินทาง (Enriching Journey)

  • เอส โฮเทล แอนด์ รีสอร์ท เดินหน้ายกระดับการสร้างประสบการณ์การเข้าพักของนักท่องเที่ยว ผ่านการนำเสนอโครงการด้านความยั่งยืนต่าง ๆ และกิจกรรมที่สนับสนุนชุมชนท้องถิ่น อาทิเช่น กิจกรรมการเรียนรู้ที่ศูนย์การเรียนรู้ทางทะเล เกาะพีพี และมัลดีฟส์ รวมถึงศูนย์การเรียนรู้ทางวัฒนธรรมมัลดีฟส์โดยตั้งเป้าต้อนรับการมาเยือนของผู้เข้าชมกว่า 50,000 คน ภายในปี 2567
  • การใช้ผลผลิตและวัตถุดิบที่ปลูกและจัดหาจากท้องถิ่นเพื่อนำมาใส่ในเมนูจากฟาร์มสู่โต๊ะอาหาร (Farm-to-Table) และอาหารทะเลที่สดสะอาดเพื่อนำเสนอต่อผู้เข้าพัก

Sustainable Development Policy


Create and develop the economy in areas where all of our hotels operate.

Community & Society

Respect sociocultural differences, enhance stakeholder and community engagement and enrich good quality of life


Minimize impacts from all land-based activities for conservation and restoration of marine-life creatures.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Company aims to operate business pursuant to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 of the United Nations (UN SDG 2030), particularly Goal 14: Life below water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources, thereby sets the target for zero-marine debris. For other SDG goals, the Company places importance on the safety and human rights of the employees’ topics in SDG 8, emphasizes participation and strengthening of the communities topics in SDG 11, and sets targets for the reduction of food waste and food loss during the production process under the sustainable consumption and production of SDG 12.

Sustainable Development Goals SDG 13: Climate action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, the Company prioritizes the efficiency of energy consumption, the increased usage proportion of environmentally friendly energy and the preservation of the ecosystem which can mitigate or be relevant to climate change including the collaboration with the partners to establish important partnership network under SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Sustainable Development Frameworks


Preserving the balance of marine-life and nature
The Company conducts business in an environmentally responsible manner, adhering to national and international environmental standards. All of the Company’s self-managed hotels conserve energy, water and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by using environmentally friendly energy where possible, as well as offsetting their carbon footprint and doing away with single-use plastic bags. Through the “SeaYouTomorrow” campaign and collaborative action with outside agencies, as well as public education at its Marine Discovery Centre, it also works to protect and restore marine resources and nature.


Enriching local economy
The Company enriches value to all areas in which the hotel business operates, both within the Company and in the surrounding community, by fostering a decent work, good working conditions and environment and promoting local employment. The Company makes an effort to help employees reach their full potential and keep them constantly engaged in their work while also making sure they have a good quality of life that encourages them to contribute to the growth of the surrounding community. On top of this, the Company contributes to the well-being and local economy of the community by purchasing locally produced products and services, supporting local fishermen, and promoting local job creation.


Adhering to global sustainability standards
The Company’s objective is to build a strong business and establish itself as a market leader in hotel investment and resort management by setting new standards for quality leisure and living alongside the establishment of sound corporate governance throughout the value chain, and promoting collaboration among public, private, and civil society sector partners and stakeholders to create a valuable travel experience and sustainable tourism

Our milestone


S Hotels & Resorts Celebrates Green Globe™ Certification in Thailand and The Maldives for two consecutive years.

This marks another significant milestone in a comprehensive, three-pillared integrated global sustainability strategy which will see the company elevating its guest experiences through sustainable initiatives.

Green Globe Certified

SAii Phi Phi Island Village was listed in the Top 100 Sustainable Hotels and Resorts by Luxury Lifestyle Awards.

ISA TOP 100 2024

SAii Laguna Phuket and SAii Lagoon Maldives received the prestigious Sustainable Event Standards certification from the Event Industry Council (EIC), becoming the first and only venues in Thailand and the Maldives to receive the GOLD Certifications.


SO/ Maldives earned Green Globe certification.

Green Globe Certified


S Hotels & Resorts Celebrates Green Globe™ Certification in Thailand and The Maldives

Santiburi Koh Samui, SAii Laguna Phuket, SAii Phi Phi Island Village and CROSSROADS Maldives are all certified by Green Globe, the global leader in sustainable tourism and hospitality certification reinforcing its commitment to sustainability.

Green Globe Certified


S Hotels & Resorts awarded a place on “Thailand Sustainability Investment” list 2022

S Hotels & Resorts met the THSI criteria due to its proven ability to integrate sustainability into business strategies and its commitment to driving value to its stakeholders. Read more


Recently released the bamboo sharks back into the wild

SAii Phi Phi Island Village has recently released the bamboo sharks back into the wild as part of the new SOS (Save Our Sharks) programme at the Marine Discovery Centre. Read more


Injured bamboo shark saved at Marine Discovery Centre

SAii Phi Phi Island Village’s marine biologist helped an injured bamboo shark and lion fish at the nursery pond, Marine Discovery Centre.


CROSSROADS Maldives – Building Big, Protecting the Small

In partnership with the developers of CROSSROADS, S Hotels & Resorts has established a Marine Discovery Centre. Among other things, corals are nurtured there and prepared for introduction to the sea. In addition, the centre serves as a think tank for further conservation measures to improve biological diversity in the ecosystem. All resort activities and goals are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially with regard to life below water, focusing on zero marine debris.


Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – “Maya Bay Coral Recovery Monitoring Database”

We are reinforcing our sustainable development strategy and spearheading the restoration of “Maya Bay” project, using remote aerial photography to create a “Coral Recovery Monitoring Database” Programme.


Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – Marine Discovery Centre (MDC)

Funded by Singha Hotels & Resorts and managed by Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort, this unique learning centre is the first marine learning centre to be established by a private organisation in Thailand. MDC aims to educate and engage visitors, as well as residents from the neighbouring communities about the value of marine life and marine eco-systems to cultivate greater environmental awareness.


Santiburi Koh Samui – Hotel Nursery

Santiburi Koh Samui is growing 38 types of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers within the resort nurtured in a total of 2,663 pots. Two Chef’s Garden areas supply various organic ingredients to the resort kitchens, significantly reducing the hotel’s carbon footprint.


Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – “Toh Wai Wai”

With this initiative we set out to rehabilitate the ecosystem and restore balance to Noppharat Thara Beach - Phi Phi Island Marine National Park, and included the planting of mangroves, propagation of corals around Yoong island, and a Clownfish Release Program.


Santiburi Koh Samui – Plastic Reduction Initiative

Santiburi Koh Samui replaced all plastic water bottles with glass bottles throughout the resort.  This resulted in 100 kg. less monthly plastic waste. Since June 2018, straws have been provided only for drinks that require them and served with straws made of bamboo or lemongrass.


Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – “Phi Phi Set to Change”

This project was launched as a collaboration between government officials and academics, contributing to the conservation and restoration of the natural resources in the Noppharat Thara Beach and Phi Phi Island National Park, including the restoration of bleached corals.


Santiburi Koh Samui – EM production program

Natural garden waste and cold food waste has been composted and used for EM production in house at Santiburi Koh Samui. The resort produces 5000+ gallons of EM from food waste every month with 375 gallons supplied to a local school with training also given to students on how to used EM to clean and public areas and drains. The remaining EM is used for resort river treatment, kitchen cleaning, sanitary cleaning and gardening.


Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – “Phi Phi Model” support

Over the years, we have been working with the Thai National Parks Department in this region and actively supporting its “Phi Phi Model” management approach. This includes provided mooring buoys at Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort to prevent boat operators anchoring and damaging coral reefs, and providing patrol boats for park officers that enable them to assist visitors and keep violators away.

S Hotels & Resorts Celebrates Green Globe™ Certification in Thailand and The Maldives for two consecutive years.

This marks another significant milestone in a comprehensive, three-pillared integrated global sustainability strategy which will see the company elevating its guest experiences through sustainable initiatives.

Green Globe Certified

SAii Phi Phi Island Village was listed in the Top 100 Sustainable Hotels and Resorts by Luxury Lifestyle Awards.

ISA TOP 100 2024

SAii Laguna Phuket and SAii Lagoon Maldives received the prestigious Sustainable Event Standards certification from the Event Industry Council (EIC), becoming the first and only venues in Thailand and the Maldives to receive the GOLD Certifications.


SO/ Maldives earned Green Globe certification.

Green Globe Certified

S Hotels & Resorts Celebrates Green Globe™ Certification in Thailand and The Maldives

Santiburi Koh Samui, SAii Laguna Phuket, SAii Phi Phi Island Village and CROSSROADS Maldives are all certified by Green Globe, the global leader in sustainable tourism and hospitality certification reinforcing its commitment to sustainability.

Green Globe Certified

S Hotels & Resorts awarded a place on “Thailand Sustainability Investment” list 2022

S Hotels & Resorts met the THSI criteria due to its proven ability to integrate sustainability into business strategies and its commitment to driving value to its stakeholders. Read more

Recently released the bamboo sharks back into the wild

SAii Phi Phi Island Village has recently released the bamboo sharks back into the wild as part of the new SOS (Save Our Sharks) programme at the Marine Discovery Centre. Read more

Injured bamboo shark saved at Marine Discovery Centre

SAii Phi Phi Island Village’s marine biologist helped an injured bamboo shark and lion fish at the nursery pond, Marine Discovery Centre.

CROSSROADS Maldives – Building Big, Protecting the Small

In partnership with the developers of CROSSROADS, S Hotels & Resorts has established a Marine Discovery Centre. Among other things, corals are nurtured there and prepared for introduction to the sea. In addition, the centre serves as a think tank for further conservation measures to improve biological diversity in the ecosystem. All resort activities and goals are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially with regard to life below water, focusing on zero marine debris.

Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – “Maya Bay Coral Recovery Monitoring Database”

We are reinforcing our sustainable development strategy and spearheading the restoration of “Maya Bay” project, using remote aerial photography to create a “Coral Recovery Monitoring Database” Programme.

Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – Marine Discovery Centre (MDC)

Funded by Singha Hotels & Resorts and managed by Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort, this unique learning centre is the first marine learning centre to be established by a private organisation in Thailand. MDC aims to educate and engage visitors, as well as residents from the neighbouring communities about the value of marine life and marine eco-systems to cultivate greater environmental awareness.

Santiburi Koh Samui – Hotel Nursery

Santiburi Koh Samui is growing 38 types of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers within the resort nurtured in a total of 2,663 pots. Two Chef’s Garden areas supply various organic ingredients to the resort kitchens, significantly reducing the hotel’s carbon footprint.

Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – “Toh Wai Wai”

With this initiative we set out to rehabilitate the ecosystem and restore balance to Noppharat Thara Beach - Phi Phi Island Marine National Park, and included the planting of mangroves, propagation of corals around Yoong island, and a Clownfish Release Program.

Santiburi Koh Samui – Plastic Reduction Initiative

Santiburi Koh Samui replaced all plastic water bottles with glass bottles throughout the resort.  This resulted in 100 kg. less monthly plastic waste. Since June 2018, straws have been provided only for drinks that require them and served with straws made of bamboo or lemongrass.

Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – “Phi Phi Set to Change”

This project was launched as a collaboration between government officials and academics, contributing to the conservation and restoration of the natural resources in the Noppharat Thara Beach and Phi Phi Island National Park, including the restoration of bleached corals.

Santiburi Koh Samui – EM production program

Natural garden waste and cold food waste has been composted and used for EM production in house at Santiburi Koh Samui. The resort produces 5000+ gallons of EM from food waste every month with 375 gallons supplied to a local school with training also given to students on how to used EM to clean and public areas and drains. The remaining EM is used for resort river treatment, kitchen cleaning, sanitary cleaning and gardening.

Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort – “Phi Phi Model” support

Over the years, we have been working with the Thai National Parks Department in this region and actively supporting its “Phi Phi Model” management approach. This includes provided mooring buoys at Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort to prevent boat operators anchoring and damaging coral reefs, and providing patrol boats for park officers that enable them to assist visitors and keep violators away.

Significant Contributions to Sustainable Development

SDG 8 :

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Contributing to the development of a healthy community economy and the creation of good jobs by employing an average
of 53.51%
of the local community
of Maldivians1
is senior management2 hired from the local community3
Ensuring that
all hotels
adhere to the highest standards of sanitation, cleanliness
safety such as
SHA and SHA+,
as well as sustainability standards such as the
Green Leaf and
Green Hotel and Green Globe Certificates.

SDG 14 :

Life Below Water
147 species
of marine animals listed on the IUCN Red List were discovered, following the start of the CROSSROADS Maldives . Among the number,
13 species
increased during 2019 to 2021.

SDG 11 :

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Contributing to the preservation of indigenous culture by opening a more than 500-square-meter cultural learning center that has already received
18,584 visits.

SDG 12 :

Responsible Consumption and Production
17.53 tons
of coastal and marine debris were collected with the help of stakeholders and transported to a partner for proper disposal to avoid ocean pollution.

SDG 17 :

Partnership for The Goals
4 sustainability networks
and other a diverse range of collaborations across the public, private and civil society sectors.

SDG 13 :

Climate Action
The carbon emissions in the 1st and 2nd scopes from the Santiburi hotel on Koh Samui were
744 tCO2eq
The carbon emissions in the 1st and 2nd scopes from the SAii Phi Phi Island Village were
1,702 tCO2eq
Carbon footprint tracking has been implemented across all of our business operations with
100% coverage