S Hotels and Resorts

Human Rights

S Hotels and Resorts Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries, or "the Company," place high importance on human rights because human rights are fundamental practices that everyone is entitled to receive. Since the Company operates in multiple countries, it needs to fairly manage diversity, especially gender, race, traditions, and cultures, as well as social differences in each country. The Company is committed to strictly adhering to labor laws and human rights-related laws and conducts human rights audits within the time frames as specified by the Company, focusing on sensitive issues such as compliance with the regulations against employing children below the legal age.

Additionally, the Company has established a human rights policy to be enforced across the Company and its subsidiaries, particularly its hotels. The Company also includes human rights as part of its Supplier Code of Conduct to communicate and support its partners in prioritizing the protection of human rights within their organizations.

The Company respects human rights by emphasizing the protection of the human rights of employees and stakeholders equally, without discrimination, and adheres to the human rights policy framework. The Company allows employees and stakeholders to provide recommendations on improving human rights or to file complaints about violations of the human rights policy with relevant authorities freely.

Human Rights Management Guidelines

            The Company has established a framework for human rights management to align with international standards and the Company’s context, emphasizing the following: 1. Policy Commitment 2. Assessing of Actual and Potential impacts 3. Implementing policies and assessment and addressing Impacts, including internal and external control 4. Tracking and Reporting Performance and 5. Correction and Remediation


Supervisory Structure, Roles and Responsibilities of the Board and Management in Managing Human Rights

Board of DirectorsThe Board has roles, duties, and responsibilities in overseeing, reviewing, and approving Company’s policies, including acknowledging reports of violations related to Human Rights through the Company's reporting channels.
Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development CommitteeThe Committee shall be responsible to review and approve policies, provide guidance and supervision, ensure alignment of company operations with the Human Rights Policy, acknowledge advancements, and foster activities that uphold human rights, encompassing additional human rights-related roles and responsibilities consistent with the Charter of the Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Committee. Furthermore, it plays a role in acknowledging reports of human rights violations via the company's reporting channels.

Human Rights Targets

SHR has set the following human rights targets:

The Company• Zero incidents of human rights policy violations.
• Communication and training on human rights policies for all employees.
• All employees must complete the business ethics examination.
• Communication of the Supplier Code of Conduct to all partners.

Human Rights Policy

The Company places great importance and is committed to conducting its business in accordance with good corporate governance principles, demonstrating responsibility to society and all stakeholders. In this regard, the Company's Sustainable Development Department has developed a Human Rights Policy to serve as a policy framework and guidelines for protecting the human rights of employees and related parties, such as employees and customers. Additionally, the Company respects the privacy of stakeholders, including employees, customers, and shareholders. The Company has implemented a policy and measures for the protection of personal data to safeguard the privacy of stakeholders.

The Company conducts its business with caution to prevent human rights violations throughout the business chain, adhering to international practices, local laws, and the Company's human rights policy. Additionally, the Company encourages employees and stakeholders to respect differences in gender, race, religious beliefs, opinions, physical differences, skin color, origin, disability, age, and other diversities. However, in cases of policy violations, the Company will fairly consider the complaints and remedy those who were affected according to the principles, procedures, and measures established by the Company.

Encourage Supplier to comply with Supplier Code of Conduct

The Company encourages all its partners to strictly comply with the law, especially those related to the protection of human rights, to promote respectful business practices that recognize equal human dignity and fairness. This includes not employing children below the legal age and refraining from forced or oppressive labor practices. The Company has communicated these expectations to all partners, ensuring they adhere to the Company’s Supplier Code of Conduct.

Further details about the Supplier Code of Conduct can be found on the Company’s website: https://investor.shotelsresorts.com/en/corporate-governance/cg-document-and-download.

Impact Assessment or Potential Impact

Human Rights Issues Identification

The Company identifies key human rights issues related to the hotel's business activities and anticipates potential risks in terms of human rights. These issues are divided into 7 points as follows.

1. Community Engagement  • Land management
• Quality, sufficiency, and access to water sources
• Cultural impacts
• Security management
• Environmental conditions
• Violation of rights
2. Migrant Workers  • Workforce procurement
• Travel documents/Identification documents
• Employment conditions
• Working environment conditions
3. Contract labor  • Employment
• Working environment conditions
• Workplace conditions
• Contract labor management
4. Business Partner  • Production processes
• Working environment conditions
• Workplace conditions
• Health and safety
• Community involvement
5. Employees  • Employment
• Workplace environment
• Practices selection
• Freedom of association and collective bargaining
• Discipline and punishment
• Employee privacy
6. Temporary employees  • Employment
• Workplace environment
• Practices selection
7. Customers• Room reservation
• Safety
• Practices selection
• Data protection Privacy

Risk Criteria

Risk Criteria is a tool used to identify the risk level of factors in the Company’s operations. It includes the establishment of a risk management guideline, assessment of impact, and likelihood of occurrence.


The Company has categorized potential or likely damages due to violations of laws and/or human rights policies into 11 areas as follows:

Corporate StrategyLaws, Regulations, and Rules
FinanceEmployees and Labor
Reputation and ImageSafety and Occupational Health
Business OperationsEnvironment
Project ManagementCommunity
Information Technology Systems     

Risk Level

Risk LevelAbbreviated asDescription
Very highVHUnacceptable risk level that needs immediate risk management to bring it to an acceptable level.
HighHUnacceptable risk level that must be managed to bring it to an acceptable level over time.
MediumMRisk level that the organization can accept, but needs control measures to prevent the risk from shifting to an unacceptable level.
LowLRisk level that the organization can accept without additional management.

 Risk Management Approaches

  • Avoid: Taking actions to avoid events that cause risks, usually applied when the risk is severe and cannot be reduced or managed to an acceptable level.
  • Share: Sharing or transferring all or part of the risk to external individuals or entities to help bear the burden of the risk, such as purchasing insurance policies.
  • Reduce: Implementing measures to reduce the likelihood of risk events or their potential impacts to an acceptable level, such as preparing a contingency plan.
  • Accept: Accepting the current level of risk that is deemed acceptable without taking further actions to reduce the likelihood or impact of the risk. This is typically used for risks where the cost of management measures outweighs the benefits.
  • Pursue: Taking actions to address increasing risks while ensuring that the risks do not exceed acceptable limits.

Complaint Channels

Employees and stakeholders can file complaints or report any human rights violations or unfair treatment through the company's designated whistleblowing channels, such as the email compliance@shotelsresorts.com, as well as other channels specified by the company (please refer to https://www.shotelsresorts.com/th/whistleblowing-th/ for more information).

The company will keep the complaints confidential and consider them according to the complaint handling policy framework.

Number of Human Rights Complaints 

0 complaints0 complaints

Communication and Training GRI404, GRI410-1

The Company continuously communicates its policies and conducts annual human rights training courses to ensure employees’ understanding. This also includes guidelines on practices such as enhancing communication on anti-discrimination measures through discussions with relevant departments, aiming to standardize practices across the organization.

In 2023, the Company also communicated and encouraged partners and business associates to conduct their business with an awareness of human rights protection, which is part of sustainable development. This was done through the annual S & SHR supplier day event. 

Suppliers and Business Partners Throughout the Supply Chain

The Company plans its human rights activities by communicating the Supplier Code of Conduct, ensuring that they are aware of and implement it. Additionally, the Company conducts random ESG Audits on human rights annually.

Human Rights Due Diligence

The Company conducts thorough human rights due diligence to ensure no violations or breaches of its human rights policies. The Sustainable Development Department engages with stakeholders, such as employees, and reviews hotel operations. Post-audit risk assessments cover critical issues such as child labor, employment practices, discrimination, human trafficking, forced labor, and personal data protection.

Human Rights Due Diligence Report (PDF)